The interconnection of data in the Humanities gets more and more in the focus of research projects. Therefore Christopher Johnson developed a Linked Open Data framework that allows through the combination of a Fedora 4 repository with IIIF APIs and triple stores a SPARQL query driven solution for the Presentation (of) Annotations (in a) Digital Object Repository Architecture (PANDORA). The concrete implementation of PANDORA is a group of distributed web applications that depend on a specification document called a “Manifest” for how they present the data to the client. In PANDORA, the Manifest is a JSON-LD document constructed from Digital Object Repository (FEDORA) resources dynamically using SPARQL. The semantics and conceptualization of the Manifest are in the scope of the IIIF Presentation API, within which is defined how the structure and layout of a complex image-based object can be made available in a standard manner. The architecture of the framework allows easy linking and aggregating the data stored in the Fedora repository. It is available through a triple store that has a public accessible endpoint, while the internal data is handeled by an internal triple store.
Through the use of the PANDORA IIIF Manifest Service , the complete graph of a Presentation Manifest represented as several related RDF collections (i.e. sequences of LDP Containers) with their member properties and values can be serialized in JSON-LD with identical semantics and format as the specification. This service additionally allows the dynamic construction of a Manifest document based on SPARQL selection criteria that is available by means of the statements about any annotation resource. In this short presentation we will introduce the architecture and function of the system and like to discuss the possible usage and advantage of a linked data driven solution for digital cultural heritage research.
PANDORA: Linked Open Data Image Publishing : https://youtu.be/TEqUkiO6tcA
Implementing the IIIF Presentation 2 0 API as a Linked Open Data Model in the Fedora Repository : https://youtu.be/1KatIxhQx0E