WITH is a http://withculture.eu/ that provides [services](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6WPdv8fMsc)
for content aggregation, management, interoperability, visualization, publication and reuse. It uses
datasets published from different portals and repositories of Linked Open Data, together with a
powerful search interface, a multi-functional backend and a fully accessible API.
Cultural content can be imported through the [MINT platform](http://mint-projects.image.ntua.gr/locloud),
many other sources of formatted data, and primarily through APIs provided by different institutions from
all over the world, like[Europeana](http://www.europeana.eu/portal/), the [Digital Public Library of America](https://dp.la/),
[Rijks Museum](https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en),[National Library of Australia](http://www.nla.gov.au/)
and many others.
The platform allows to easily search for the cultural resources and to group them in collections.
Search is easy, fast and precise. Using dynamically generated facets, you can narrow down
your results with precision. Items can be saved in collections. Through the WITH API, metadata
associated to items in a collection can be exported as ontologies assertions in OWL format and
can later be used in different reasoning tasks to enrich the quality of the content in the platform.
The items imported to the platform contain metadata describing the items, but can be further
annotated to provide additional information. The annotation process can be done manually by
adding tags from different thesaurus and vocabularies, or automatically through term detection,
natural language processing and image analysis using machine learning. These annotations
can be accepted or rejected by users. You can also add Geo tags corresponding to locations
associated to the item.
Developers can create their own new external tools using the API. Our first tool is a classifier
that can be trained using the exported content from different collections and is able to predict
whether other items should belong or not to a target collection.
Items from collections can be used to create exhibitions and present them interactively. This
way, innovation is promoted and we also demonstrate the social and economic value of the
cultural content, while creative new uses for digital cultural heritage are introduced.
The WITH platform provides free and easy access to Linked Open Data and artificial
intelligence tools that enrich the content with state of the art algorithms.
#### Auteurs/Autrices
**Dr Vassilis Tzouvaras** received the B-Eng in the Dept. of Electronic & Systems Engineering of
Essex University, the M-Eng in the Dept. of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering of
Sheffield University in UK, and the Ph.D. in the EECE Dept. of NTUA in the field of knowledge
technologies. His research interests include semantic web technologies, metadata
interoperability, reasoning and knowledge representation.
He has published 10 Journal papers and 40 conference papers. He is active in the Europeana
developments and many related projects (Athena, Videoactive, Euscreen, EuropeanaConnect);
he is member of the Core Expert Group of Europeana Thematic Networks v1.0, v2.0.